Friday, March 13, 2015

If you are ready to get started NOW

Don't forget that KDL has a *free* seed library. You don't even need to be a library cardholder. Their seeds are non-hybrid and non-Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), plus they have heirloom varieties. Head to your local library and check some out!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Garden Club 2015

Gardening is ON for summer 2015!!

We will be moving the garden back behind our building so expect a couple of days of bonding over (*backbreaking*) work. It's good for the soul though and those summer vegetables make it all worthwhile.

Once we get a list of those interested, we will schedule a meeting or two to plan work days, and let Byron teach us all of his Soil Secrets for the Uninformed.

Keep smiling! Summer is coming!!